Welcome To
Self-Catering Accommodation In Cape-Town
Our Properties
Choose from our 2 luxurious, modern, and budget-friendly properties. They're both situated in the same estate.
Perfect for large families.
What we offer
We offer complimentary Wifi
Bring your laptop or tablet for work or entertainment
Self Catering
Fully equipped kitchen, including a fridge, gas oven, microwave, coffee machine, and air fryer.
Bedding and Linen
Warm duvets, quality linen, and soft pillows will ensure a good night's rest.
Towels & Toiletries
Fresh towels, hand soap, body wash, and bubble bath. Just bring your own tooth brush.
Pet Friendly
Bring your four-legged children with you. Our property is pet-friendly and has a small yard.
Perfect Location
Reach the beach, Canal Walk, the city center, and Table Mountain in just 10 to 15 minutes by car. Our location is surrounded by fantastic malls, restaurants, and attractions. You'll have peace of mind in this gated community with covered parking.
Explore Cape Town with Our Self-Catering Holiday Houses!
Discover Our Beautiful Accommodations